1 Peter
Chapter 3

1 Wives, respect your husbands so that even if some do not believe the message, they may be convinced by their wives’ way of life without needing words.
2 As they see your pure way of life with respect.
3 Don’t focus on decorating yourself by braiding your hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes.
4 Let your inner self be gentle and calm, a lasting beauty precious to God.
5 In the past, holy women who trusted in God also made themselves beautiful by accepting their husbands’ guidance.
6 Just like Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him lord, you are her daughters if you do good and are not frightened by anything scary.
7 Husbands, live with your wives wisely. Respect them as the weaker partner, sharing the gift of life together, so nothing will block your prayers.
8 Finally, all of you should agree with each other, be kind to one another, love like brothers and sisters, be compassionate, and be polite.
9 Do not repay evil with evil, or insults with insults. Instead, give blessings, because you are called to inherit a blessing.
10 To enjoy life and have good days, one should keep their tongue from evil and their lips from telling lies.
11 Avoid evil and do good; seek peace and follow it.
12 God watches over good people, and He listens to their prayers, but He opposes those who do wrong.
13 Who would want to hurt you if you are doing good?
14 If you suffer for doing right, you are blessed. Don’t be scared or upset by their threats.
15 Set apart God in your hearts and always be prepared to explain your hope to anyone who asks, doing so gently and respectfully.
16 Keep a clear conscience so that those who speak badly of you as wrongdoers may feel ashamed for wrongly criticizing your good behavior as a follower of Christ.
17 It is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing bad.
18 Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.
19 He also went and spoke to the spirits in prison.
20 People who did not obey long ago, when God patiently waited during Noah’s time while the ark was being built, were saved by water, only a few, that is, eight people.
21 This symbol, baptism, now saves us too—not by cleaning our bodies from dirt, but by giving us a clear conscience toward God, because of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.
22 He has gone to heaven and sits at God’s right side, with angels, authorities, and powers under his control.