Chapter 112

1 Praise God. Happy is the person who respects God and loves to follow His rules.
2 His children will be powerful on earth; the descendants of the good will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches will be in his house, and his goodness will last forever.
4 For good people, light shines in the dark: they are kind, caring, and fair.
5 A good person is kind and lends; they manage their matters wisely.
6 He will surely not be shaken forever; the good person will always be remembered.
7 He will not fear bad news: his heart is steady, trusting in God.
8 His heart is steady, he will not be scared, until he sees what he wants happen to his enemies.
9 He has shared, he has given to the needy; his goodness lasts forever; his strength will be honored.
10 Bad people will see it and be upset; they will grind their teeth and fade away; what bad people want will vanish.