Chapter 40

1 After these events, the Egyptian king’s cupbearer and baker upset their king.
2 The king was very angry with two of his officials, the head of the cupbearers and the head of the bakers.
3 He put them in jail at the guard captain’s house, where Joseph was held.
4 The guard captain put Joseph in charge of them, and he took care of them. They stayed there for some time.
5 Both the king’s cupbearer and the baker, who were in prison, had a dream on the same night, and each dream had its own meaning.
6 Joseph came to them in the morning, saw them, and noticed they were sad.
7 He asked Pharaoh’s officials who were with him in his master’s prison, “Why do you look so unhappy today?”
8 They told him, “We had a dream, but no one can explain it.” Joseph said to them, “Doesn’t God give meanings to dreams? Please share them with me.”
9 The head servant told his dream to Joseph and said, “In my dream, I saw a grapevine in front of me.
10 The vine had three branches. It looked like it was budding, its flowers bloomed, and its bunches of grapes ripened.
11 I held Pharaoh’s cup and squashed the grapes into it, then I handed the cup to Pharaoh.
12 Joseph told him, “This is what it means: the three branches represent three days.”
13 In three days, Pharaoh will free you and give you back your job. Then you will serve Pharaoh his drink like you did before when you were his cupbearer.
14 Please remember me when things go well for you, and be kind to me. Ask Pharaoh to free me from this prison.
15 I was indeed kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and I have done nothing here to deserve being thrown into a dungeon.
16 When the head baker saw that the dream reading was good, he told Joseph, “I was also in my dream, and look, I had three white baskets on my head.”
17 In the top basket, there were all kinds of baked goods for the king, and birds ate them from the basket on my head.
18 Joseph replied, “This is what it means: The three baskets represent three days.”
19 In three days, the king will remove your head and hang you on a tree; the birds will eat your flesh.
20 On the third day, Pharaoh’s birthday, he threw a party for all his workers and honored his main cupbearer and baker in front of them.
21 He gave the chief butler his job back, and he handed the cup to the Pharaoh.
22 He executed the chief baker, just as Joseph had explained to them.
23 The head servant did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.