Chapter 7

1 God’s message came to me, saying,
2 Also, you human, this is what God says to the land of Israel: An end has come to all parts of the land.
3 The end has come for you, and I will send my anger on you. I will judge you by your actions and punish you for all your wrongdoings.
4 I will not look away from you or feel sorry for you. I will make you face the results of your actions, and your horrible sins will surround you. Then you will know that I am God.
5 God says: An evil, just one evil, is coming.
6 The end has come, the end is here: it waits for you; look, it has arrived.
7 Morning has arrived for you who live in the land: the time has come, a day of trouble is close, and the mountains will not echo with noise again.
8 I will soon pour out my anger on you, finish my anger on you, and I will judge you by your actions and repay you for all your wrongs.
9 I will not show mercy or pity; I will repay you for your actions and the evil deeds among you; then you will know that I am God who strikes.
10 See the day, see, it has come: the morning has started; power has grown, arrogance has appeared.
11 Violence has grown into a tool of evil: none will survive, not the many, nor any individuals; there will be no mourning for them.
12 The time has come, the day is near: buyers should not be happy, nor sellers sad, because anger will affect everyone.
13 The seller won’t get back what they sold, even while they’re still alive. The prophecy is about everyone, and they won’t come back. No one will survive because of their wrongdoing.
14 They have sounded the trumpet to get everyone ready, but no one goes to battle because my anger is on all of them.
15 Outside, there is war, and inside, there is disease and hunger. Whoever is in the fields will die by war, and whoever is in the city will be consumed by hunger and disease.
16 Those who survive will escape and be on the mountains, like valley doves, all of them sad, each one for their own wrongs.
17 Everyone’s hands will be limp, and every knee will be as weak as water.
18 They will also wear rough cloth, and terror will cover them; all faces will show shame, and every head will be shaved.
19 They will throw their silver in the streets, and their gold will be taken away. Their silver and gold won’t save them on the day of God’s anger. They won’t satisfy their needs or fill themselves with it, because it is the cause of their sins.
20 About his beautiful jewelry, he wore it with greatness. But they put their disgusting idols and things there: so, I have taken it away from them.
21 I will give it to strangers to take, and to the evil people of the world to steal; and they will make it dirty.
22 I will also turn my face away from them, and they will make my secret place dirty; for invaders will go into it and spoil it.
23 Make a chain, because the country is filled with violent acts, and the city is filled with violence.
24 So I will send the worst foreigners, and they will take over their homes. I will end the pride of the powerful, and their sacred places will be made dirty.
25 Destruction comes; and they will look for peace, but there will be none.
26 Trouble will follow trouble, and rumor will come after rumor; then they will look for guidance from a prophet, but the priest will have lost the law, and the elders will have no advice to give.
27 The king will be sad, the leader will be filled with emptiness, and the people’s hands will shake with fear: I will treat them as they have acted, and I will judge them by what they deserve; and they will understand that I am God.