Chapter 2

1 Then Jonah prayed to God from inside the fish.
2 I called out to God because of my suffering, and he listened to me; from deep inside the grave I cried, and you heard my voice.
3 You threw me into the deep sea; I was surrounded by water; all your waves and billows rolled over me.
4 Then I said, I am thrown away from your view; but I will look again towards your holy temple.
5 Water surrounded me, even to my life; deep water closed around me and plants tangled around my head.
6 I went down to the mountain bases; the earth trapped me forever: but you, God, brought my life up from ruin.
7 When I felt weak inside, I remembered God, and my prayer reached you in your holy temple.
8 Those who believe in false things ignore the kindness meant for them.
9 I will offer sacrifice to you with thankful voice; I will fulfill my promises. Salvation comes from God.
10 God spoke to the fish, and it threw up Jonah onto dry land.