Chapter 4

1 Listen to me when I call, God who makes me right. You gave me more room when I was in trouble. Be kind to me and listen to my prayer.
2 People, how long will you turn my honor into shame? How long will you love what is empty and chase lies? Pause and think.
3 Know that God has chosen the godly person for himself; God will listen when I call to him.
4 Be amazed, do not sin; talk to your own heart on your bed, and be quiet. Pause.
5 Give the right sacrifices, and trust in God.
6 Many people ask, “Who will show us any good?” God, make your face shine on us.
7 You have filled my heart with joy, more than they have when their grain and wine abound.
8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, because you, God, alone keep me safe.