Chapter 11

1 Throw your bread on the water, and you will find it again after a long time.
2 Share with seven, or even eight, because you do not know what troubles may come on the earth.
3 If clouds are full, they pour rain on the earth. If a tree falls south or north, it stays where it fell.
4 If you wait for perfect weather, you won’t plant seeds; if you look at the clouds, you won’t harvest crops.
5 You don’t know how the spirit comes to the body, or how a baby’s bones grow inside a pregnant woman: just like that, you don’t understand how God, who makes everything, works.
6 Plant your seeds in the morning, and don’t stop working in the evening. You can’t tell if one will succeed, the other, or if both will be equally good.
7 Surely light is sweet, and it’s nice for the eyes to see the sun.
8 If a person lives for many years and enjoys them, he should still remember there will be many dark days. Everything that happens is meaningless.
9 Be happy, young person, while you are young. Let your heart give you joy in your youth. Follow your heart and what you see with your eyes, but remember that God will judge you for all these things.
10 So take away sadness from your heart and stop doing bad things with your body, because being young is not so important.