Chapter 6

1 Kids, listen to your parents because it is the right thing to do.
2 Respect your father and mother; this is the first commandment that comes with a promise.
3 So things go well for you, and you may live a long time on the earth.
4 Parents, do not make your children angry, but raise them with care and teach them the ways of God.
5 Workers, obey your earthly bosses with respect and sincerity, as if you were serving Christ.
6 Do your work not just when being watched, to impress people, but as followers of Christ, do what God wants from the heart.
7 Serve with a good attitude, as if working for God, not people.
8 Understanding that whatever good thing someone does, they will get the same from God, whether they are a slave or free.
9 Bosses, treat your workers well and don’t threaten them, knowing that you both have the same Master in heaven, and He treats everyone equally.
10 Friends, be strong in God and in His mighty power.
11 Wear all of God’s armor so you can stand against the devil’s tricks.
12 We are not fighting against people, but against authorities, against forces, against world leaders of darkness, and against evil spirits in heavenly places.
13 So, put on all of God’s armor to be strong against evil, and after you have done everything, to keep standing.
14 So stand firm, with truth like a belt around your waist, and wearing righteousness as a chest armor.
15 Wear on your feet what will help you spread the good news of peace.
16 Above all, use the shield of belief to stop all the burning arrows of the evil one.
17 Wear the helmet of being saved, and use the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s message.
18 Always pray with all kinds of prayers and requests in the Spirit, and stay alert with all perseverance and requests for all God’s people.
19 Please help me speak boldly and clearly to explain the gospel’s secret.
20 I am God’s ambassador, even though I am in chains. I pray to speak bravely, as I should.
21 So you can know about my situation and how I’m doing, Tychicus, a dear brother and loyal servant, will tell you everything.
22 I sent him to you for this reason: so you can know about us and he can cheer you up.
23 May the brothers have peace and love with faith from God the Father and Jesus Christ.
24 May grace be with everyone who truly loves our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.