Chapter 102

1 Listen to my prayer, God, and hear my call for help.
2 Do not hide from me when I am in trouble; listen to me: answer quickly when I call you.
3 My days vanish like smoke, and my bones are as burned out as a fireplace.
4 My heart is struck down and dried up like grass; I even forget to eat my food.
5 Because of my crying, my bones stick to my skin.
6 I am like a pelican in the wild: I am like an owl in the desert.
7 I watch and am like a lone sparrow on the rooftop.
8 My enemies insult me all day; those who hate me are always plotting against me.
9 I have eaten ashes as if they were bread and mixed my drink with tears.
10 Because you were angry and upset, you picked me up and then threw me down.
11 My days are like a fading shadow; I am wilting like grass.
12 But you, God, will last forever; and you will be remembered by all generations.
13 You will stand up and be kind to Zion because it is time to help her; yes, the exact time has arrived.
14 Your servants enjoy her stones and care for her dust.
15 So the nations will respect God’s name, and all the earth’s rulers your greatness.
16 When God rebuilds Zion, he will show his greatness.
17 God will pay attention to the poor’s prayer and won’t reject it.
18 This will be recorded for future generations: and the people yet to be made will praise God.
19 God has looked down from his holy place above; from heaven he watched over the earth.
20 To listen to the cries of the prisoners; to free those who are set to die;
21 To tell of God’s name in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem;
22 When the people and the kingdoms come together to serve God.
23 God made me weaker on my journey; He cut my life shorter.
24 I said, O my God, do not take me away when my life is half done; your years last through all generations.
25 Long ago, you created the earth’s foundation, and the skies are made by your hands.
26 They will be destroyed, but you will last. Yes, they will all wear out like clothes; you will change them like an outfit, and they will be changed.
27 You remain the same, and your years will never end.
28 Your servants’ children will live on, and their descendants will be secure in your presence.