Chapter 15

1 A gentle reply calms anger, but harsh words cause tempers to rise.
2 The wise person uses knowledge correctly, but a fool’s mouth spills out nonsense.
3 God sees everything everywhere, watching both the bad and the good.
4 A healthy tongue is like a tree of life, but a twisted tongue can break the spirit.
5 A foolish person hates his father’s teaching, but someone who listens to correction is wise.
6 In the home of the good person, there is a lot of value, but the earnings of the bad person bring problems.
7 The wise spread knowledge with their words, but the foolish do not.
8 God hates the wicked’s offerings, but loves the good person’s prayers.
9 Evil ways disgust God, but he loves those who seek to do what is right.
10 Correction is hard for someone who leaves the right path, and if you hate being corrected, you will die.
11 God sees everything in death and destruction, so he surely knows human hearts.
12 Someone who mocks others doesn’t like being corrected; they won’t seek advice from the wise.
13 A happy heart makes a smiling face, but a sad heart crushes the spirit.
14 A person with understanding seeks knowledge, but fools enjoy saying silly things.
15 Every day is bad for the suffering person, but a happy heart always feels like a feast.
16 It is better to have a small amount with respect for God than to have a lot of wealth with problems.
17 A meal of vegetables with love is better than a big cooked ox with hate.
18 An angry person causes fights, but one who is patient calms down arguments.
19 The lazy person’s path is full of thorns, but the good person’s path is smooth.
20 A smart son makes his father happy, but a silly man looks down on his mother.
21 A foolish person enjoys being unwise, but a smart person acts with integrity.
22 Without advice, plans fail; but with many advisers, they succeed.
23 A person feels happy with the reply they give; and a timely word, how wonderful it is!
24 The path to life leads upward for the wise to keep them from going down to the grave.
25 God will destroy the proud person’s house, but he will protect the widow’s land.
26 Wicked people’s thoughts disgust God, but pure people’s words are nice.
27 A person who wants to get rich quick will cause problems for their family, but someone who refuses bribes will have a good life.
28 The good person thinks carefully before answering, but the wicked person spills out evil words.
29 God is far from the bad people, but he listens to the prayers of the good people.
30 Bright eyes make the heart happy, and good news gives the body strength.
31 The ear that listens to life’s corrections stays with the wise.
32 Whoever ignores advice hates themselves, but someone who listens to correction gains understanding.
33 Respecting God teaches wisdom; before getting honor, you must be humble.