Chapter 24

1 God spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Tell the Israelites to bring you pure, crushed olive oil for the lamps so they will keep burning all the time.
3 Aaron must keep the lamps burning from evening until morning before God inside the tent of meeting. This is to be a lasting rule for all your descendants.
4 He will arrange the lamps on the clean lampstand before God all the time.
5 Take good flour and make twelve cakes; each cake should have two-tenths of an ephah of flour.
6 Place them in two lines, six in each line, on the clean table before God.
7 Put pure frankincense on each row so it will be on the bread as a reminder, an offering to God.
8 Every Sabbath, he should arrange it before God always, as it is an eternal promise from the people of Israel.
9 Aaron and his sons will own it, and they will eat it in a sacred place. It is very holy to them as part of God’s offerings made with fire, a rule to follow always.
10 The son of an Israeli woman and an Egyptian man went out among the Israelis, and he and an Israeli man fought in the camp.
11 The son of the Israelite woman spoke against God’s name and cursed. They took him to Moses; his mother was Shelomith, daughter of Dibri from the Dan tribe.
12 They kept him in custody to find out what God wanted.
13 God spoke to Moses, saying,
14 Take the person who cursed outside the camp; everyone who heard them must touch their head, and then everyone in the assembly must throw stones at them.
15 You will tell the people of Israel, if anyone curses their God, they will be guilty of sin.
16 Anyone who speaks against God’s name must be put to death. The whole community must stone them. It doesn’t matter if they are a foreigner or born in the land; if they speak against God’s name, they must be put to death.
17 Whoever kills a person must surely be put to death.
18 If someone kills an animal, they must replace it; one animal for another.
19 If a person hurts their neighbor, they should be hurt in the same way.
20 Injury for injury, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: if someone hurts another, the same hurt will be given to them.
21 If someone kills an animal, they must replace it; if someone kills a person, they must be put to death.
22 You will have one law, for both the foreigner and the native-born, because I am your God.
23 Moses told the Israelites to take the person who cursed outside the camp and throw stones at him. The Israelites did what God told Moses.