2 Chronicles
Chapter 3

1 Solomon started building God’s house in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where God had shown himself to David, his father, at the spot David had set up on Ornan the Jebusite’s threshing floor.
2 He started to build on the second day of the second month, in the fourth year of his rule.
3 These are the details Solomon followed to build God’s house: it was 60 cubits long following the original unit, and 20 cubits wide.
4 The porch in front of the house was as wide as the house, twenty units long, and one hundred twenty units high. He covered the inside with pure gold.
5 He covered the bigger room with fir wood and coated it with pure gold, then he put palm trees and chains on it.
6 He decorated the house with beautiful precious stones, and the gold used was from Parvaim.
7 He also covered the house, its beams, pillars, walls, and doors with gold, and carved cherubs on the walls.
8 He built the most sacred room, as long as the house was wide, twenty cubits, both in length and width. He covered it with pure gold, weighing six hundred talents.
9 The nails weighed fifty shekels of gold, and the upper rooms were covered with gold.
10 In the holiest place, he made two angels of carved images and covered them with gold.
11 The cherubim had wings that were twenty cubits long. One wing of the first cherub was five cubits long and touched the wall of the house. The other wing, also five cubits long, touched the wing of the second cherub.
12 One wing of the second angel was five units long, touching the house wall; and its other wing, also five units long, touched the wing of the first angel.
13 The cherubim’s wings stretched out twenty units long. They stood on their feet with their faces turned inward.
14 He made a curtain of blue, purple, and red, and fine linen, with angels woven into it.
15 He also made two pillars in front of the temple, each 35 cubits tall, with a capital on top that was 5 cubits high.
16 He made chains like those in the holy place and put them on top of the pillars; he also made a hundred pomegranates and attached them to the chains.
17 He set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the right side, and the other on the left side; he named the right pillar Jachin and the left pillar Boaz.