Chapter 1

1 Paul, sent by Jesus Christ because God wanted it, and Timothy our brother,
2 To God’s holy and loyal followers in Christ who are in Colosse: May you have kindness and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ.
3 We thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, always praying for you.
4 We heard about your faith in Jesus and your love for all God’s people.
5 You have hope stored for you in heaven, which you learned about before through the true message of the good news.
6 It has come to you, as it has to the whole world, and it is producing results, just as it has been in you since the day you heard about it and understood God’s true kindness.
7 You also learned from Epaphras, our dear coworker, who serves you faithfully as a minister of Christ.
8 They also told us about your love through the Spirit.
9 Because of this, since the day we learned about it, we keep praying for you. We hope that you will fully understand God’s will and gain all wisdom and spiritual insight.
10 Live a life worthy of God, doing good at every chance, and growing in understanding of God.
11 Filled with all strength, given by God’s glorious power, to be completely patient and able to endure, with joy.
12 Thanking God, who has prepared us to share in the inheritance of the holy people in the light:
13 God saved us from darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.
14 In him, we are set free by his blood, and our sins are forgiven.
15 He is the image of the unseen God, the first of all creation.
16 Through him, all things were made in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, including rulers and authorities. All things were made by him and for him.
17 He exists before everything, and through him, everything holds together.
18 He is the head of the body, the church; he is the start, first to rise from the dead; so he is most important in everything.
19 God was happy to have all completeness live in him.
20 He made peace with his cross’s blood and brought everything back to God, things on earth and in heaven.
21 And you, once distanced and hostile in your thoughts because of evil deeds, now God has made peace with you.
22 Through his death in a human body, to present you as holy, without blame, and free from accusation before him:
23 If you keep your faith strong and steady, and don’t give up the hope given by the good news you’ve heard, which has been told to every living being under the sky, and for which I, Paul, have become a servant.
24 I am happy to suffer for you, and I share in Christ’s sufferings in my own body for the good of the church, which is his body.
25 I am chosen to serve because God gave this task to me for your benefit, to complete God’s message.
26 The secret that was hidden for so long, even from many people long ago, is now shown to God’s holy people.
27 God wants to show you the riches and glory of this mystery among the non-Jewish people: Christ is in you, giving you the hope of glory.
28 We teach about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we can present everyone as perfect in Christ Jesus.
29 I also work hard and struggle, using the great strength that God works in me.