Chapter 37

1 My heart shakes with fear and moves out of its place.
2 Listen carefully to his voice and the noise that comes from his mouth.
3 He guides it under the whole sky, and his lightning to the ends of the earth.
4 After it, a voice roars: God thunders with his majestic voice, and does not hold back when his voice is heard.
5 God thunders wonderfully with his voice; he does great things we cannot understand.
6 He tells the snow to fall on the earth, and the same to the light rain and the heavy rain of his power.
7 He closes the hands of every person so everyone can know His deeds.
8 Then the animals go into their dens and stay there.
9 From the south comes a strong wind, and from the north comes cold.
10 God’s breath brings frost, and the surface of the waters becomes tight.
11 God tires out the heavy cloud by adding water to it; he spreads his light cloud around.
12 It moves as God plans, so they can do everything he tells them on the earth.
13 He makes it happen, whether for discipline, for his land, or for kindness.
14 Listen to this, Job: be still and think about God’s amazing deeds.
15 Do you know when God arranged them and made the light of his cloud shine?
16 Do you know how the clouds stay balanced, the amazing things done by the one who has perfect knowledge?
17 Your clothes become warm when God calms the earth with the south wind.
18 Have you helped God spread out the sky, which is solid, like a mirror made of melted metal?
19 Show us what to say to God; we don’t know how to speak properly because we are confused.
20 Should I tell God what I say? If someone speaks, they will certainly be overwhelmed.
21 People cannot see the bright light in the clouds, but the wind comes and clears them away.
22 Clear skies come from the north; with God is awesome greatness.
23 About God, we cannot fully understand him: he is great in power, fair in judgment, and full of justice: he does not cause suffering.
24 People fear God because he doesn’t favor those who think they are wise.