Chapter 103

1 Praise God, O my soul, and everything in me, praise his holy name.
2 Praise God, my soul, and don’t forget all the good things he does.
3 God forgives all your sins; God heals all your sicknesses.
4 God saves your life from destruction; God blesses you with kindness and compassion.
5 God fills your hunger with good things, making you feel young again like an eagle.
6 God carries out what is right and fair for all who are mistreated.
7 He showed his ways to Moses, his deeds to the Israelites.
8 God is kind and good, slow to get angry, and full of mercy.
9 God won’t always scold us, nor stay angry forever.
10 God has not treated us as our sins deserve; nor has He repaid us based on our wrongdoings.
11 Just as the sky is high above the ground, so is God’s kindness to those who respect Him.
12 Just as the east is far from the west, so God has taken our wrongs far away from us.
13 Just as a father shows kindness to his children, so God shows kindness to those who respect him.
14 God knows how we are made; He remembers that we are like dust.
15 A person’s life is like grass: they grow like a field flower.
16 The wind blows over it, and it disappears; and its place will not recognize it anymore.
17 God’s kindness lasts forever for those who respect Him, and His goodness extends to their grandchildren.
18 Those who follow God’s promise and remember to obey his rules.
19 God has set up his throne in the sky; and his kingdom controls everything.
20 Praise God, you strong angels who obey his commands and listen to what he says.
21 Praise God, all his armies; you who serve him and do what he wants.
22 Praise God, all his creations everywhere he rules: praise God, my inner self.