Chapter 10

1 Why do you stand far away, God? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
2 In his pride, the wicked chases the poor: may they get caught in the traps they’ve set.
3 The wicked brags about what they want and praises greedy people, who God hates.
4 Bad people, because of their proud faces, will not look for God. God is not in any of their thoughts.
5 His ways are always harsh; your decisions are too high for him to see: he sneers at all his enemies.
6 He thinks to himself, I won’t be shaken; I’ll never have trouble.
7 His mouth is full of curses, lies, and trickery; under his tongue is trouble and nonsense.
8 He sits in the hidden spots of the towns, secretly killing the innocent; his eyes are sneakingly watching the poor.
9 He hides quietly like a lion in its den, waiting to trap the poor; he catches the poor by pulling them into his net.
10 He bends down and acts humble so that the poor may be defeated by his powerful followers.
11 He thinks to himself, “God has forgotten; He hides His face and will never see it.”
12 Get up, God; lift your hand. Don’t forget the humble.
13 Why does the wicked disrespect God? He thinks to himself, You won’t hold him accountable.
14 You have seen it; for you watch trouble and spite, to repay it with your hand: the poor trust in you; you are the helper of the orphans.
15 Break the power of the wicked and the wrongdoer; search for their evil until you find none.
16 God is King forever and ever; the nations have vanished from his land.
17 God, you have heard the desires of the humble: you will make their hearts ready, you will listen to them.
18 To make fair decisions for orphans and those suffering, so that no person can bully them again.