Chapter 2

1 Isaiah, son of Amoz, had a vision about Judah and Jerusalem.
2 In the future, God’s house on the mountain will be the highest of all, and all countries will come to it.
3 Many people will go and say, “Come, let’s go up to God’s mountain, to the home of Jacob’s God, and he will teach us his ways, so we can follow his paths.” For the law will come from Zion, and God’s word from Jerusalem.
4 He will judge between the nations and correct many people. They will turn their swords into tools for farming and their spears into cutting tools. One nation will not fight another, nor will they learn about war anymore.
5 People of Jacob, come, let’s walk in God’s light.
6 So you have left your people, the house of Jacob, because they follow Eastern ways, act like Philistine fortune-tellers, and are happy with foreign children.
7 Their land is filled with silver and gold, with no end to their wealth; it is also full of horses, with no end to their chariots.
8 Their land is filled with idols. They bow down to what their own hands have made, to what their own fingers have created.
9 The common man bows down, and the important man lowers himself; so do not forgive them.
10 Go into the rocks and hide in the ground because you are afraid of God and because of his great power.
11 People’s proud looks will be lowered, and their arrogance will be brought down, and only God will be lifted high on that day.
12 The day of God will come for all the proud and high people, and for everyone raised up; they will be made low.
13 On all the tall cedars of Lebanon and all the big oaks of Bashan,
14 On all the tall mountains and on all the high hills,
15 On every tall tower and every strong wall,
16 On all the ships of Tarshish and on all beautiful artworks.
17 People’s pride will be lowered, and their arrogance will be brought down; only God will be lifted up on that day.
18 He will completely destroy the idols.
19 They will hide in rock holes and earth caves because they fear God and his majestic glory when he comes to shake the earth greatly.
20 On that day, a person will throw away their silver and gold idols, which they made to worship, to the moles and bats.
21 To hide in the rock crevices and on high rugged cliffs, because they are afraid of God and in awe of his majestic power, when he stands to make the earth tremble greatly.
22 Stop depending on people, who have only breath in their noses. What are they really worth?