Chapter 15

1 God said to me, “Even if Moses and Samuel stood before me, I would not favor these people. Throw them out of my sight and let them leave.”
2 If people ask you, “Where should we go?” you should tell them, “God says: those who are to die will die; those who are to be killed by the sword will be killed by the sword; those who are to starve will starve; and those who are to be taken captive will be taken captive.”
3 I will set four destroyers against them, God says: the sword to kill, the dogs to rip apart, the birds from the sky, and the animals of the earth to eat and ruin.
4 I will make them be scattered to all countries of the world, because of what Manasseh son of Hezekiah, king of Judah, did in Jerusalem.
5 Who will feel sorry for you, O Jerusalem? Who will grieve for you? Who will stop to ask how you are?
6 You have left me, says God, you have turned away; so I will reach out my hand against you and destroy you; I am tired of changing my mind.
7 I will scatter them with a fan at the land’s entrances; I will take away their children, I will wipe out my people because they do not turn from their ways.
8 More widows have come to me than grains of sand in the sea: I’ve brought a destroyer at midday against young men’s mothers. I made him strike suddenly, bringing fear to the city.
9 The woman who had seven children is weak; she has died. Her life ended unexpectedly early. She is humiliated and distressed. And I will let their remaining people be defeated by their enemies’ swords, says God.
10 I am in trouble, my mother, because you gave birth to me as a man who argues and fights with everyone! I haven’t borrowed money for interest, nor have I loaned money for interest; but everyone is cursing me.
11 God said, “It will truly be good for your survivors; I will make the enemy treat you well in times of trouble and suffering.”
12 Can iron break the iron from the north and the steel?
13 I will give away your wealth and treasures for nothing because of all your sins, throughout your entire land.
14 I will make you go with your enemies to a land you don’t know: because a fire has started in my anger that will burn you.
15 God, you know: remember me, visit me, and take revenge for me on those who are after me; don’t take me away while you are patient: know that I have been criticized because of you.
16 I found your words and took them to heart; they made me happy and filled my heart with joy because I am known as one of your people, God of all.
17 I did not sit with the mockers or celebrate; I sat by myself because of what you did; you have made me very angry.
18 Why does my pain never end, and my wound cannot be healed and won’t get better? Will you be like someone who lies to me, and like water that disappears?
19 So God says, “If you come back, I will bring you back to stand before me. And if you separate the valuable from the worthless, you will be like my spokesperson. Let them come back to you, but do not go back to them.”
20 I will make you like a strong bronze wall to these people: they will fight against you, but they won’t win over you, because I am with you to save and free you, says God.
21 I will save you from the wicked and rescue you from the terrible.