Chapter 3

1 Look, God will remove from Jerusalem and Judah all support, the entire supply of bread, and all the water.
2 The strong man, the soldier, the judge, the prophet, the wise person, and the elder,
3 The leader of fifty, the respected man, the advisor, the skilled worker, and the good speaker.
4 I will make children their leaders, and young ones will rule over them.
5 People will mistreat each other, neighbors will act badly towards one another, the young will disrespect the old, and the lowly will act rudely towards the respected.
6 If a man grabs his brother from his father’s family and says, “You have clothes, be our leader and take charge of this mess.”
7 On that day, he will promise, saying, “I do not want to heal; for there is neither food nor clothes in my house: do not make me a leader of the people.”
8 Jerusalem is destroyed, and Judah has fallen, because their speech and actions are against God, angering his glorious presence.
9 Their faces show their guilt; they brag about their sins like Sodom and don’t hide them. Trouble to them, for they have brought evil upon themselves.
10 Tell the good people that things will go well for them, because they will enjoy what their actions have earned.
11 Trouble will come to the bad person; he will be paid back for what he has done.
12 My people are pushed around by children and ruled by women. My people, your leaders mislead you and ruin your paths.
13 God stands up to argue his case and stands to judge the people.
14 God will judge the elders and leaders of his people because you have destroyed the vineyard, and the robbed goods of the poor are in your homes.
15 Why are you hurting my people and crushing the poor? says God.
16 God says, because the women of Zion are proud, walking with their heads high and flirting with their eyes, strutting as they go, and their feet make sounds.
17 So God will strike the tops of Zion’s daughters’ heads with sores, and God will expose their private parts.
18 On that day, God will remove their ankle bracelets, headbands, and crescent necklaces.
19 The chains, the bracelets, and the scarves,
20 The caps, leg accessories, headbands, perfume boxes, and earrings,
21 The rings and nose rings
22 The different sets of clothes, the cloaks, the headscarves, and the hairpins,
23 The eyeglasses, the nice cloth, the head coverings, and the scarves.
24 It will happen that where there was once perfume, there will be a bad smell; instead of a belt, torn clothes; instead of nicely done hair, baldness; instead of fine clothes, rough sackcloth; and scars will replace beauty.
25 Your men will die by the sword, and your strong will fall in battle.
26 Her gates will cry and grieve; and she, being empty, will sit on the ground.