1 Timothy
Chapter 5

1 Don’t scold an older person, but ask him kindly like a father; treat the younger men like brothers.
2 Treat older women like mothers; younger women like sisters, with complete respect.
3 Respect women who are truly alone without husbands.
4 If a widow has children or grandchildren, they should first take care of their own family and repay their parents, because this pleases God.
5 A true widow who is alone puts her hope in God and prays day and night.
6 A woman who enjoys life too much is like she’s dead even when she’s alive.
7 Instruct them in these matters so they can be without fault.
8 If someone does not take care of their family, especially those living at home, they have rejected the faith and are worse than someone who does not believe.
9 Do not include a widow who is less than sixty years old and has been married to only one man.
10 Known for good acts; if she has raised children, welcomed guests, washed believers’ feet, helped those in trouble, and eagerly done all kinds of good work.
11 Do not accept the younger widows; when their desires grow strong, they want to marry again.
12 They face punishment because they have abandoned their early belief.
13 They also learn to be lazy, moving from house to house; and they are not just lazy, but also gossips and meddlers, talking about things they should not.
14 I want younger women to get married, have children, manage their homes, and not give critics any reason to speak badly.
15 Some have already turned away following Satan.
16 If any believer, man or woman, has widows in their family, they should help them so that the church isn’t burdened and can assist those who are truly in need.
17 Respect the leaders who guide well greatly, and give extra respect to those who work hard teaching God’s message and beliefs.
18 The Bible says, you should not cover the ox’s mouth when it is working with the grain. Also, a worker deserves to be paid for their work.
19 Do not accept a charge against an older person unless it is supported by two or three witnesses.
20 Tell everyone when someone does wrong so that others will be afraid to do the same.
21 I tell you before God, Jesus Christ, and the chosen angels, to follow these instructions fairly, treating everyone the same, without favoring anyone.
22 Don’t quickly accuse anyone, and don’t share in the wrongs of others; stay clean yourself.
23 Stop drinking only water, but have a little wine for your stomach and your frequent sicknesses.
24 Some people’s sins are obvious, leading directly to judgment, while the sins of others become clear later.
25 Similarly, the good deeds of some people are clear from the start, and those that are not will still be seen.