Chapter 13

1 When Ephraim spoke with fear, he became a leader in Israel; but when he sinned with Baal, he died.
2 They keep sinning more, making silver statues and idols they imagine, all made by craftsmen. They tell those who offer sacrifices to kiss these calf idols.
3 So they will be like the morning cloud and like the early dew that goes away, like chaff blown away from the threshing floor by the wind, and like smoke from a chimney.
4 I am God, who brought you out of Egypt, and you should not acknowledge any god except me because there is no one else who can save you.
5 I knew you in the desert, in the dry land.
6 As their fields were good, they ate and were satisfied; their hearts grew proud, so they forgot God.
7 So I will be like a lion to them, and like a leopard, I will watch over them.
8 I will confront them like a mother bear robbed of her cubs, and will tear open their heart; there I will eat them like a lion, and wild animals will rip them apart.
9 Israel, you have ruined yourself; but your help is in me.
10 I will be your king. Where is another who can save you in all your cities? Where are your judges to whom you said, “Give me a king and princes”?
11 I gave you a king because I was angry, and I took him away because I was furious.
12 Ephraim’s wrongdoing is tied up; his sin is hidden.
13 He will feel pain like a woman giving birth: he is a foolish son, because he should not stay where babies are born for long.
14 I will rescue them from the grave’s power; I will save them from death: O death, I will bring your diseases; O grave, I will cause your ruin: I will not turn back.
15 Although he may have success among his brothers, a strong wind will blow in from the desert, and this wind from God will dry up his water source and his well will run dry: all his valuable belongings will be ruined.
16 Samaria will be ruined because she turned against God: people will die by the sword, babies will be smashed, and pregnant women will be cut open.