Chapter 35

1 Moses brought all the Israelites together and told them, “These are the commands God has given for you to follow.”
2 Work for six days, but the seventh day is a holy day for you, a day of rest for God. Anyone who works on that day will be put to death.
3 Do not start any fire in your homes on the Sabbath day.
4 Moses spoke to all the Israelites, saying, “This is what God has commanded.”
5 Bring a gift for God from among yourselves; anyone who wants to give can bring gold, silver, and bronze.
6 And blue, purple, red, fine cloth, and goat hair.
7 Red-dyed ram skins, other animal skins, and acacia wood.
8 Oil for the lamp, spices for the anointing oil, and for the sweet smelling incense.
9 And onyx stones, and stones for the ephod and breastplate.
10 Everyone with a wise heart should come and make everything that God has commanded.
11 God’s tent, its covering, its clasps, its frames, its crossbars, its posts, and its bases.
12 The chest, its poles, the lid, and the curtain that covers it,
13 The table, its poles, all its tools, and the bread on display.
14 The lampstand for the light, its accessories, its lamps, and the oil for the light.
15 The altar for incense, its poles, the oil for anointing, the fragrant incense, and the curtain for the entrance to the tent.
16 The altar for burning sacrifices, with its bronze grid, its poles, and all its tools, the washbasin and its base,
17 The curtains of the courtyard, its posts, their bases, and the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard,
18 The stakes of the tent, and the stakes of the yard, and their ropes,
19 The special clothes for serving in the sacred space, the holy outfits for Aaron the priest, and the clothes for his sons to serve as priests.
20 The whole group of Israel’s people left from being with Moses.
21 They came, everyone moved by their heart, and all who felt willing, and they brought God’s offering for the work on the meeting tent, all its service, and the holy clothes.
22 Men and women came, all who wanted to help. They brought gold bracelets, earrings, rings, and other jewelry. Everyone who gave, gave gold gifts to God.
23 Everyone who had blue, purple, or scarlet cloth, fine linen, goats’ hair, red sheepskins, or leather brought them.
24 Everyone who gave silver or brass brought it to God, and anyone who had acacia wood for the work brought it.
25 All the skilled women spun thread with their hands and brought what they made, in blue, purple, scarlet, and fine linen.
26 All the women who felt inspired and skilled spun goat hair.
27 The leaders brought onyx stones and other gems for the priest’s garment and chest piece.
28 And spices, and oil for the lamp, and for the anointing oil, and for the fragrant incense.
29 The people of Israel willingly gave offerings to God, each man and woman who wanted to contribute to all kinds of work, which God had instructed Moses to oversee.
30 Moses told the people of Israel, “Look, God has chosen Bezaleel, Uri’s son, Hur’s grandson, from the tribe of Judah by name.
31 He has filled him with God’s spirit, with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill in all kinds of crafts.
32 To create intricate designs and to work with gold, silver, and bronze.
33 In shaping stones to place them, and in carving wood to create any kind of skilled work.
34 God has given him the ability to teach, both him and Aholiab, Ahisamach’s son from the tribe of Dan.
35 He has given them skilled hearts to do every kind of work: engraving, expert crafting, and embroidering with blue, purple, scarlet thread and fine linen, and weaving. They can do any job and create intricate designs.