Chapter 14

1 Israel, come back to God, for you have stumbled because of your wrongdoings.
2 Bring your words to God and ask Him to forgive all our sins and accept us with kindness; then we will offer Him our words of praise.
3 Asshur won’t save us; we won’t ride on horses. We won’t call our handmade idols our gods anymore, because the fatherless find kindness in you.
4 I will heal their turning away, I will love them without cost: because my anger has turned away from them.
5 I will be like dew for Israel: he will grow like a lily and send out roots like Lebanon’s trees.
6 His branches will grow wide, his beauty will be like the olive tree, and his scent like that of Lebanon.
7 Those who live in God’s protection will come back; they will flourish like grain, and spread out like a grapevine: their smell will be like Lebanon’s wine.
8 Ephraim will ask, “Why should I deal with idols anymore?” I have listened to God and noticed him. I am like a fresh pine tree. You can find your fruit in me.
9 Who is wise to understand these things? Who is smart to know them? God’s ways are right, and the good will follow them, but the wrongdoers will stumble in them.