Chapter 49

1 Listen to this, everyone; pay attention, all who live in the world:
2 Everyone, both unimportant and important, both rich and poor, together.
3 I will speak wise words; my heart will think deeply with understanding.
4 I will listen carefully to a story; I will explain my mysterious idea with music on the harp.
5 Why should I be afraid on bad days, when the wrongs I’ve done surround me?
6 Those who trust in their money and brag about how much they have;
7 No one can save their brother by paying a ransom to God for him.
8 To save a life is costly, and it never stops.
9 He should live forever and not decay.
10 He sees that wise people die, just like fools and senseless people, and they leave their riches to others.
11 They think their homes will last forever and their places will be there for all time; they name their lands after themselves.
12 Even though a person is respected, they do not last; they are like the animals that die.
13 Their path is foolish, but their descendants praise their words. Pause.
14 They are put in the grave like sheep; death will eat them up; in the morning, the good will rule over them; their beauty will fade away in the grave, far from their home.
15 God will rescue my life from the grip of death because he will take me in.
16 Don’t be afraid when someone becomes rich, when their house gains more wealth.
17 When he dies, he takes nothing with him; his fame does not follow him.
18 While he was alive, he praised himself; and people will compliment you if you are good to yourself.
19 He will join his ancestors in death; they will never again see the light of life.
20 A person with honor, who lacks understanding, is like animals that die.