Chapter 10

1 The law has only a shadow of the good things that will come, not the real things themselves. So it can never make perfect those who come to God by the same sacrifices they offer continually every year.
2 If that were true, wouldn’t the offerings have stopped? Because the worshippers would be cleansed and no longer feel guilty for their sins.
3 In those sacrifices, they recall sins every year.
4 Bull and goat blood cannot remove sins.
5 When he enters the world, he says, “You did not want sacrifices and offerings, but you prepared a body for me.”
6 You did not find joy in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin.
7 I said, “Look, I am coming to do your will, God, as it is written about me in the book.”
8 God did not want sacrifices, burnt offerings, or sin offerings, which are given according to the law.
9 He said, “Look, I come to do your will, God. He removes the first to set up the second.”
10 Through this will, we are made holy by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ’s body, once for all.
11 Every priest stands every day to serve and often gives the same sacrifices that can never remove sins.
12 This man offered one sacrifice for sins forever and then sat down at God’s right side.
13 From now on waiting until his enemies are turned into his footrest.
14 With one sacrifice, he has made perfect forever those who are made holy.
15 The Holy Spirit is also a witness to us because he had previously said,
16 This is the promise I will make with them after that time, says God: I will place my laws in their hearts, and I will write them in their minds.
17 I will not remember their sins and wrongs anymore.
18 When these have been forgiven, there is no need for any more sacrifices for sin.
19 So, friends, we can confidently go into the most sacred place because of Jesus’ blood.
20 Through a new and living way he made for us, going through the curtain, which is his body.
21 We have a great priest in charge of God’s house.
22 Let’s come close with a true heart, fully sure of our faith, with hearts cleaned from bad thoughts, and bodies washed with clean water.
23 Let’s firmly keep our faith without doubting; (because God who promised is trustworthy;)
24 Let’s think about each other to encourage love and good deeds.
25 Don’t stop meeting together, as some do, but encourage each other, especially as you see the day coming closer.
26 If we choose to sin after knowing the truth, there is no more sacrifice left for sins.
27 A scary expectation of judgment and burning anger, which will consume the enemies.
28 Anyone who ignored Moses’ law was put to death without pity on the testimony of two or three people.
29 How much worse punishment do you think will be given to someone who has stepped on the Son of God, treated the blood of the agreement that made him holy as nothing special, and insulted the Spirit of kindness?
30 We know the one who said, “It is my job to take revenge; I will pay them back,” says God. And again, “God will judge his people.”
31 Being in the power of the living God can be very frightening.
32 Remember the early days when, after you were enlightened, you faced many hard struggles.
33 You were publicly shamed and suffered, and you stood by those who were treated the same way.
34 You felt sorry for me in my chains, and happily accepted losing your things because you knew you have something better and lasting in heaven.
35 Do not give up your confidence; it will bring a great reward.
36 You need patience, so that after doing God’s will, you can receive what was promised.
37 In just a short time, the one who will come, will come and won’t delay.
38 The good person will live by trusting in God; but if someone turns away, God will not be pleased with that person.
39 We are not those who turn back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and save their souls.