Chapter 8

1 Bildad the Shuhite replied, saying,
2 How long will you keep talking like this? How long will your words blow like a strong wind?
3 Does God twist fairness? Or does the Almighty twist what’s right?
4 If your children sinned against God, and he has rejected them for their wrongdoing;
5 If you seek God early and pray to the All-powerful;
6 If you were pure and honest, surely now God would act for you and make your righteous home successful.
7 Even if you started small, your future will grow a lot.
8 Please ask about the past, and get ready to learn from your ancestors.
9 We have only been here for a short time and know very little, because our lives on earth are like a passing shadow.
10 Won’t they teach you, talk to you, and speak heartfelt words to you?
11 Can reeds grow without mud? Can plants grow without water?
12 While it is still green and not cut, it dries up before any other plant.
13 The ways of all who forget God lead to nothing, and the fake person’s hope will vanish.
14 Those whose hope will get cut off, and who rely on something as weak as a spider’s web.
15 He will rely on his house, but it won’t last; he will hold it tightly, but it won’t remain.
16 He thrives in the sunlight, and his branches spread out in his garden.
17 His roots twist around the pile of rocks and reach into the stony ground.
18 If he is destroyed from his place, then it will reject him, saying, I have never seen you.
19 Look, this is the happiness of his path, and from the ground others will rise.
20 Look, God will not reject a good person, nor will he support those who do wrong.
21 Until he makes your mouth laugh and your lips shout with joy.
22 Those who hate you will be covered with shame; the home of the evil will become nothing.