Chapter 9

1 I saw God standing at the altar. He said, “Hit the top of the door so the pillars tremble. Chop off their heads, all of them. I will kill any who are left with a sword. Those who run won’t get far, and those who escape won’t be saved.”
2 Even if they dig deep into the ground, my hand will still reach and take them; even if they climb up to the sky, I will bring them down.
3 Even if they hide at the top of Carmel, I will find and take them from there; and if they hide from me at the bottom of the sea, I will tell the serpent to bite them.
4 Even if they are taken captive by their enemies, I will order the sword to kill them. I will watch them for harm, not for their good.
5 God has the power to touch the land so it will melt, and everyone living there will be sad. The land will rise like a flood and be covered like in the Egypt flood.
6 He makes his layers in the sky and sets his group on the earth; he calls the sea’s waters and spreads them over the earth: God is his name.
7 Aren’t you like the children of Ethiopia to me, children of Israel? says God. Didn’t I lead Israel out of Egypt? And the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
8 Look, God is watching the sinful nation, and I will wipe it from the earth; but I will not completely destroy Jacob’s descendants, says the Lord.
9 Look, I will give an order, and I will shake the people of Israel among all countries, just like corn is shaken in a strainer, but not even the smallest grain will fall to the ground.
10 Every sinner among my people will die by the sword, those who think harm won’t reach or stop us.
11 On that day, I will repair David’s fallen shelter, fix its gaps, rebuild its ruins, and restore it like before.
12 So they can own what’s left of Edom, and all nations called by my name, says God who does this.
13 Look, a time is coming, says God, when the farmer will catch up with the harvester, and the grape crusher will catch up with the one planting seeds; the mountains will drip with sweet wine, and all the hills will flow.
14 I will bring back my people Israel from captivity. They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will also create gardens and eat their fruits.
15 I will put them on their land, and no one will ever remove them from the land I gave them, says God.