Chapter 18

1 Trouble comes to the land with many winged insects, which is past the rivers of Ethiopia.
2 God sends messengers over the sea, in boats made of reeds on the waters, telling them, “Go quickly to a nation that is spread out and stripped, to a people feared from the start until now; a country measured and crushed, whose land rivers have ruined!”
3 Everyone in the world and living on the earth, look when God raises a flag on the mountains; and when God sounds a trumpet, listen.
4 God said to me, “I will rest, and I will look down from my home like the sun’s warmth on plants, and like dew in the heat of harvest time.”
5 Before the harvest, when the bud is mature and the sour grape is getting ripe in the flower, he will cut off the shoots with pruning knives and remove and trim the branches.
6 Birds of the mountains and animals of the earth will gather on them; birds will spend summer on them, and all earth’s animals will spend winter on them.
7 At that time, a gift will be given to God from a scattered and stripped people, and from a nation always feared; a country measured and crushed, whose land rivers have ruined, to where God lives, Mount Zion.