Chapter 32

1 These three men stopped answering Job because he thought he was right.
2 Elihu, Barachel’s son from the Buzite family, became very angry with Job because Job made himself look right instead of God.
3 God was also angry with Job’s three friends because they could not find an answer but still blamed Job.
4 Elihu waited until Job finished talking because the others were older than him.
5 When Elihu saw that these three men had no answer, he became very angry.
6 Elihu, Barachel’s son from the Buz family, replied, “I am young, and you are old. That’s why I was scared and didn’t share my thoughts with you.”
7 I said, “Time should teach, and many years should bring wisdom.”
8 Humans have a spirit, and God’s breath gives them insight.
9 Powerful people are not always smart; old people do not always make good decisions.
10 So I said, listen to me; I will also share my thoughts.
11 I listened carefully to what you said; I heard your arguments while you found the right words to speak.
12 Yes, I listened to you, and there was none among you who proved Job wrong or responded to his words.
13 So you might not claim, we have discovered wisdom: it is God who brings him down, not people.
14 He has not spoken against me, and I won’t reply to him with your words.
15 They were surprised and stopped answering; they stopped talking.
16 I waited because they were quiet, stood still, and didn’t speak anymore.
17 I said, I will give my answer, I will also share my opinion.
18 I have a lot to say, and the spirit inside me compels me to speak.
19 See, my stomach is like unopened wine; it feels like it’s going to burst like new wineskins.
20 I will talk to feel better: I will open my mouth and reply.
21 Please don’t let me show favoritism to anyone or use flattering titles for people.
22 I don’t use flattering titles; if I did, my Creator would quickly end my life.