2 Corinthians
Chapter 2

1 I decided not to visit you again while feeling sad.
2 If I make you sad, who can cheer me up except the one I’ve made sad?
3 I wrote this to you so that when I come, I won’t be sad about those I should be happy about, trusting that what makes me happy also makes all of you happy.
4 I wrote to you with a heavy heart and many tears, not to make you sad, but to show you how much I love you.
5 If someone has caused sadness, they haven’t deeply saddened me, but only to a small extent, so as not to weigh you all down too much.
6 This punishment, given by many, is enough for that person.
7 So instead you should forgive and comfort him, so he isn’t overcome with too much sadness.
8 So I urge you to show him your love clearly.
9 I wrote for this reason too, so I could see if you would follow all instructions.
10 If you forgive anyone, I also forgive them. If I have forgiven anything, I did it for you in the way of Christ.
11 So Satan won’t outsmart us: we know his tricks.
12 When I went to Troas to tell people about Christ, God opened an opportunity for me.
13 I could not rest because I did not find my brother Titus. So, I said goodbye and went to Macedonia.
14 Thank you to God, who always leads us to victory in Christ and shows the value of his knowledge through us everywhere.
15 We are like a pleasing fragrance of Christ to God, among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
16 To some, we smell like death leading to more death; to others, we smell like life leading to more life. Who is fit for such tasks?
17 We are not like some who misuse God’s words. We speak with honesty, as from God and in God’s presence, we speak in Christ.