1 Chronicles
Chapter 29

1 King David told everyone, “My son Solomon, who God chose alone, is still young and unexperienced, and the task is huge. This palace is not for a human, but for God.”
2 I have made ready with all my strength for God’s house: gold for the gold items, silver for the silver, bronze for the bronze, iron for the iron, and wood for the wooden items. Also onyx, setting stones, sparkling stones, stones of many colors, all kinds of precious stones, and plenty of marble.
3 I love my God’s house so much that I have given my own gold and silver to it, more than everything else I’ve provided for the sacred place.
4 Even three thousand units of gold from Ophir and seven thousand units of pure silver to cover the house walls.
5 Gold for gold items, silver for silver items, and for all kinds of work done by skilled workers. And who is ready to dedicate their service today to God?
6 The leaders of the families, the heads of the Israelite tribes, and the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, along with the supervisors of the king’s projects, gave freely.
7 God gave to serve God’s house: 5,000 talents of gold, 10,000 drams, 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of brass, and 100,000 talents of iron.
8 People who had precious stones brought them to God’s house treasury, through Jehiel the Gershonite.
9 The people were happy because they gave freely and with true hearts to God, and King David was also very happy.
10 David praised God in front of everyone and said, “Praise to you, God of Israel, our father, forever and ever.”
11 Yours, O God, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty: for everything in heaven and on earth is yours; yours is the kingdom, O God, and you are honored as the leader above all.
12 Wealth and honor come from you, God; you rule over everything. Power and strength are in your hand; you have the ability to make anyone great and strong.
13 So now, our God, we thank you and honor your wonderful name.
14 Who am I and who are my people that we can freely give like this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from you.
15 We are outsiders before you, and travelers, just like our ancestors: our time on earth is like a shadow, with no one staying forever.
16 God, all these things we’ve gathered to build a house for your holy name come from your hand, and they are all yours.
17 I also know, my God, that you test the heart and you like honesty. I have gladly given all this with an honest heart. And now I see with joy your people here giving to you willingly.
18 O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our ancestors, always keep this in the hearts and minds of your people, and make their hearts loyal to you.
19 Give my son Solomon a pure heart to follow your commands, your guidance, and your laws, to do everything, and to build the temple for which I have provided.
20 David told everyone, “Now praise God your God.” Everyone praised the God of their ancestors, bowed their heads, and worshiped God and the king.
21 They offered sacrifices and burnt offerings to God the day after, including a thousand bulls, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, along with their drink offerings, and many more sacrifices for all the people of Israel.
22 They ate and drank with great joy before God that day. They made Solomon, David’s son, king again, anointed him to serve God as the supreme leader, and appointed Zadok as the priest.
23 Then Solomon sat on God’s throne as king in place of his father David, succeeded, and all Israel followed him.
24 All the leaders, strong men, and King David’s sons too, accepted Solomon as king.
25 God made Solomon very great in the eyes of all Israel, and gave him a kind of royal splendor no other king in Israel had ever had.
26 David, Jesse’s son, ruled over all Israel.
27 He ruled over Israel for forty years; seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
28 He died at a ripe old age, with a long life, wealth, and respect, and his son Solomon became king after him.
29 The things King David did, from beginning to end, are recorded in Samuel the seer’s book, in Nathan the prophet’s book, and in Gad the seer’s book.
30 Throughout his rule and power, and the events that happened to him, to Israel, and to all the kingdoms of the lands.