Chapter 52

1 Why do you brag about your evil deeds, powerful person? God’s goodness lasts forever.
2 The tongue plans trouble; it’s like a sharp blade, working dishonestly.
3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. Pause.
4 You love to say harmful things, deceitful tongue.
5 God will destroy you forever, take you away, and remove you from your home, ending your life on earth. Pause and think.
6 The good people will see, be in awe, and will laugh at him.
7 Look, this is the man who did not rely on God for strength; instead, he trusted in his great wealth and became strong through his wrongdoing.
8 I am like a healthy olive tree in God’s house; I rely on God’s kindness forever and always.
9 I will praise you forever because you have done it; I will trust in your name for it is good in the eyes of your faithful people.