Chapter 15

1 God spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Talk to the people of Israel and tell them, “When you arrive in the land where you will live, which I am giving to you,
3 I will make a fire offering to God, a burnt offering, or a sacrifice for a promise, or a voluntary offering, or during your special feasts, to please God, from the cattle or the sheep.
4 The person who presents their offering to God must bring a grain offering of one-tenth of an ephah of flour mixed with one-fourth of a hin of oil.
5 Prepare one-fourth of a quart of wine as a drink offering with the burnt offering or sacrifice for each lamb.
6 For a ram, you should make a grain offering of two tenths of an ephah of flour mixed with one third of a hin of oil.
7 For a drink offering, give one-third of a hin of wine as a sweet smell to God.
8 When you prepare a bull for a burnt offering, or as a sacrifice to keep a promise, or for peace offerings to God:
9 He must bring a young bull with a grain offering of three tenths of an ephah of flour mixed with a half hin of oil.
10 You should offer half a hin of wine as a drink offering to God, as a fire offering that smells sweet to Him.
11 Do this for one bull, one ram, one lamb, or one young goat.
12 Prepare for each person according to the number you have.
13 Everyone born in the country must follow these rules when they give a fire offering that smells good to God.
14 If a foreigner stays with you, or anyone else who lives with you through generations, and wants to make a fire offering that smells good to God, they should do it just like you do.
15 One rule is for all of you in the congregation and for the foreigner staying with you, a lasting rule for all your generations: just like you, the foreigner will be before God.
16 One rule and one way will be for you and for the foreigner staying with you.
17 God spoke to Moses, saying,
18 Tell the people of Israel, when you enter the land I am taking you to,
19 When you eat the bread from the land, you must give a portion as an offering to God.
20 You must give a piece of the first of your bread dough as a lifted offering: just as you lift the offering from the threshing floor, you must lift this one too.
21 Give the first part of your dough to God as a special offering throughout your generations.
22 If you have made a mistake and not followed all these commands that God gave to Moses,
23 Do everything God told you through Moses, starting from when God gave Moses the instructions, for all future generations.
24 If the people sin without knowing it, they must bring a young bull as a burnt offering to God, with its grain and drink offerings as usual, and a goat for a sin offering.
25 The priest will ask God to forgive all of Israel’s people, and they will be forgiven because they did not know what they were doing. They must bring their fire offering and sin offering to God because they did not know.
26 The whole community of Israel’s children and the foreigner living with them will be forgiven, because everyone made a mistake without knowing.
27 If someone sins without knowing, they must offer a one-year-old female goat as a sin offering.
28 The priest will ask God to forgive the person who sins without knowing, and God will forgive him.
29 Everyone must follow the same rule for accidental wrongs—this applies to both the native-born Israelites and foreigners living with them.
30 But the person who deliberately does something wrong, whether they are a native or a foreigner, insults God, and that person will be separated from their community.
31 Because he has looked down on God’s word and broken his command, that person will be completely cut off; his wrongdoings will be on him.
32 While the Israelites were in the desert, they found a man collecting sticks on the Sabbath.
33 The people who saw him picking up sticks took him to Moses, Aaron, and the whole community.
34 They held him because it was not clear what should be done to him.
35 God told Moses, “The man must be put to death: everyone must throw stones at him outside the camp.”
36 The whole group took him outside the camp and threw stones at him until he died, just as God had told Moses.
37 God spoke to Moses, saying,
38 Tell the people of Israel to make tassels on the edges of their clothes for all time, and to add a blue ribbon on each tassel.
39 It will be a tassel for you to look at and remember all of God’s commands and follow them, and not to follow your own desires and sights, which lead you away.
40 Remember and follow all my commands, and be pure for your God.
41 I am God, your God, who took you out of Egypt to be your God: I am God, your God.