Chapter 7

1 I am in trouble! I am like when people have picked the summer fruits, like the scraps left after grapes are picked: there is no bunch to eat; I really wanted the early ripe fruit.
2 The good person is gone from the world; no one is honest anymore. Everyone is setting traps to hurt others; they are all trying to catch their fellow man like hunting with a net.
3 They eagerly do bad things with both hands. The leader and the judge both want bribes; the powerful person tells of his evil wish, and so they plan it together.
4 Even the best person is like a prickly bush; the most honest is as sharp as a thorn fence. The time for your guards and punishment is coming; soon they will be confused.
5 Do not trust a friend or rely on a leader; be careful what you say around the one close to you.
6 The son disrespects his father, the daughter rebels against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are his own family members.
7 So I will look to God; I will wait for the God who saves me: my God will listen to me.
8 Don’t be happy over me, my enemy. If I fall down, I will get up; if I’m in the dark, God will be my light.
9 I will accept God’s anger because I sinned against him, until he stands up for me and makes things right for me. He will lead me into the light, and I will see his goodness.
10 Then my enemy will see it, and she will be covered with shame, the one who asked me, “Where is your God?” I will see her then; she will be trampled like mud in the streets.
11 On the day when your walls are to be rebuilt, on that day the order will be ended.
12 On that day, he will come to you from Assyria, from strong cities, from the fortress to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain.
13 Despite this, the land will become empty because of the people living there, due to the results of their actions.
14 Take care of your people with your guidance, your special flock living alone in the forest, in the heart of Carmel: let them graze in Bashan and Gilead, like in the past.
15 Based on the number of days since you left Egypt, I will show him wonderful things.
16 Nations will see and be shocked by their own power; they will cover their mouths and be unable to hear.
17 They will lick the dust like snakes, they will come out of their holes like earthworms: they will be scared of our God and will be afraid because of you.
18 Who is a God like you, forgiving sin and overlooking the wrongs of those who are left of your people? You do not stay angry forever because you enjoy being merciful.
19 He will come back, he will show us mercy; he will conquer our wrongs; and you will throw all their sins into the sea’s depths.
20 You will show your faithfulness to Jacob and love to Abraham, as you promised our ancestors long ago.