Chapter 38

1 God, don’t scold me in your anger or discipline me in your rage.
2 Your arrows are stuck in me, and your hand presses on me hard.
3 My body is not healthy because of your anger; my bones are not at peace because of my sin.
4 My wrongdoings overwhelm me; they’re like a heavy burden, too much for me to carry.
5 My wounds smell bad and are infected because I acted foolishly.
6 I am upset; I am bent over a lot; I spend the whole day sad.
7 My body is full of a terrible sickness, and my flesh is not healthy.
8 I am weak and very hurt; I have cried out because my heart is troubled.
9 God, you know all I want; you hear my sighs.
10 My heart beats fast, my strength is leaving me; even the light in my eyes is gone.
11 My loved ones and friends keep their distance from my pain; and my relatives stand far away.
12 Those who want to kill me set traps, and those who want to harm me talk about hurting me and plan lies all day.
13 But I was like someone who cannot hear, and like someone who cannot speak, I did not open my mouth.
14 I was like someone who doesn’t hear and doesn’t speak any criticisms.
15 I put my hope in you, God, and I know you will listen, my God.
16 I said, “Listen to me so that they won’t celebrate if I stumble and use it against me.”
17 I am about to fall, and my sadness is always with me.
18 I will admit my wrongs; I will be sorry for my sin.
19 My enemies are active and powerful, and those who hate me for no reason have become many.
20 Those who repay good with evil are against me, because I do what is right.
21 Do not leave me, God; my God, please stay close to me.
22 Hurry to help me, God my savior.