1 Corinthians
Chapter 14

1 Chase after love and want spiritual gifts, especially to prophesy.
2 When someone speaks in a language no one knows, they are not speaking to people but to God, because no one can understand them. However, they are saying secret things in their spirit.
3 The person who prophesies speaks to people to build them up, encourage them, and give them comfort.
4 Anyone who speaks in a language not known improves himself; but one who prophesies builds up the church.
5 I wish you could all speak in different languages, but it’s better to share God’s messages. The one sharing God’s messages is more helpful than one speaking in languages, unless they explain it, so the church can learn and grow.
6 Now, friends, if I come to you speaking in different languages, how will it help you unless I bring you some revelation, knowledge, prophecy, or teaching?
7 Even lifeless things that make noise, like pipes or harps, need to make different sounds. If they don’t, how can you tell what is being played?
8 If the trumpet makes a confusing sound, who will get ready for the fight?
9 In the same way, if you don’t speak clear words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you’re saying? Otherwise, you’re just talking to the air.
10 In the world, there might be many different sounds, and each one has its own meaning.
11 So if I don’t understand what someone is saying, I am like a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is like a foreigner to me.
12 In the same way, since you are eager for spiritual gifts, try to be the best at building up the church.
13 So, if someone speaks in a language others don’t know, they should pray for the ability to explain it.
14 If I pray in a language I don’t know, my spirit prays but I can’t understand it.
15 So what should be done? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.
16 If you give thanks with your spirit, how can someone who doesn’t know what you’re saying join in and say “Amen” to your prayer of thanks?
17 You truly give thanks well, but the other person is not helped.
18 I thank God, I speak in different languages more than all of you.
19 In church, I prefer to say five words that I understand to teach others, rather than ten thousand words in a language nobody knows.
20 Friends, don’t be childish in understanding. Yet in bad intentions be like children, but in understanding be adults.
21 The law says, “I will speak to these people through people with different languages and lips, but even then, they will not listen to me,” says God.
22 So, speaking in different languages is a sign for unbelievers, not believers, while prophesying is for believers, not unbelievers.
23 So if the whole church meets in one place and everyone starts speaking in different languages, and people who don’t understand or don’t believe come in, won’t they think you are crazy?
24 If everyone prophesies and an unbeliever or someone who doesn’t know about this comes in, they are convinced by everyone and judged by everyone.
25 The secrets of his heart become clear; he falls down on his face to worship God, saying truly God is with you.
26 So, friends, when you meet, each of you brings a song, a teaching, a language, a revelation, or an explanation. Make sure that all of these build up the group.
27 If someone speaks in a language not known, they should do so two or three at a time, taking turns; and there should be one person to explain it.
28 If there is no interpreter, he should remain quiet in the church; he can speak to himself and to God.
29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others evaluate.
30 If something is shown to another person sitting nearby, the first person should stop talking.
31 You can all give messages from God one at a time, so everyone can learn and be encouraged.
32 The prophets’ spirits are under the prophets’ control.
33 God does not create confusion, but peace, in all the churches of the holy people.
34 Women should keep quiet in churches: they are not allowed to speak, but must be submissive, as the law also says.
35 If they want to learn something, they should ask their husbands at home, because it’s shameful for women to talk in the church.
36 Did God’s message originate with you? Or was it given to only you?
37 If someone believes they are a prophet or spiritual, they should accept that what I am writing to you are God’s commands.
38 If someone does not know, let them not know.
39 Friends, want to prophesy and do not stop others from speaking in different tongues.
40 Do everything properly and in an organized way.