Chapter 7

1 In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and saw visions while on his bed. After that, he wrote down the dream and explained the main points.
2 Daniel spoke and said, “In my night vision, I saw the four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea.”
3 Four large animals came out of the sea, each different from the others.
4 The first looked like a lion with eagle’s wings. I watched until its wings were torn off, it was raised from the ground, made to stand on two feet like a person, and it was given a human heart.
5 Look, another beast appeared, a second one that resembled a bear. It lifted itself up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. They said to it, “Get up and eat lots of meat.”
6 After this, I saw another creature that looked like a leopard with four wings of a bird on its back; this beast also had four heads, and it was given power.
7 After this, in my dream at night, I saw a fourth beast, very scary and powerful with big iron teeth. It ate and crushed everything, and it stomped on what was left. It was different from all the animals before it and had ten horns.
8 I looked at the horns, and I saw a new small horn growing up among them. It replaced three of the first horns that were pulled out completely. This horn had eyes like a human and a mouth that said very important things.
9 I watched until thrones were thrown down, and the Ancient One sat down, dressed in white as snow, with hair like pure wool. His throne was like a blazing fire, and its wheels were like burning fire.
10 A river of fire flowed and came out from before God. Thousands upon thousands served him, and countless others stood before him. The court was ready, and the books were opened.
11 I watched because of the loud words the horn was saying: I watched until the beast was killed, its body destroyed, and thrown into the fiery flame.
12 The other animals lost their power but were allowed to live for a while longer.
13 In my night dream, I saw someone like a human coming with the clouds of the sky, approaching the Eternal One, and they led him close to him.
14 He was given power, honor, and a kingdom, so all people, countries, and languages would serve him: his power will last forever, it won’t end, and his kingdom won’t be destroyed.
15 I, Daniel, felt sad deep inside me, and the visions in my mind upset me.
16 I went up to one of those standing there and asked what all this meant. He explained it and helped me understand what these things signified.
17 These four large animals represent four kings who will come from the earth.
18 God’s holy people will receive the kingdom and own it forever and ever.
19 Then I would understand the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, very frightening, with iron teeth and bronze nails; it ate, crushed, and trampled the rest with its feet.
20 About the ten horns on its head, and another horn that grew, before which three horns were removed; this horn had eyes and a mouth that said very important things and looked stronger than the others.
21 I saw the horn fighting against God’s holy people, and it was winning over them.
22 Until the Old One came, and the holy people were given the right to judge; and the time arrived for the holy people to take over the kingdom.
23 He said the fourth creature will be the fourth kingdom on earth. It will be different from all other kingdoms, and it will consume the whole earth, crush it and break it apart.
24 The ten horns from this kingdom represent ten kings who will come to power: and then another king will come after them who is different from the earlier ones, and he will overcome three kings.
25 He will say bad things against God, tire out God’s holy people, and try to change special dates and laws. They will be under his power for a set time, two times, and half a time.
26 The court will be in session, and they will take away his power, to completely destroy it forever.
27 The kingdom, power, and the vastness of the kingdom under all the sky will be given to the holy people of the Most High God, whose kingdom lasts forever, and everyone will serve and follow Him.
28 This is the end of the story. I, Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face showed it, but I kept it to myself.