Chapter 1

1 These are wise sayings from Solomon, David’s son, who was the king of Israel.
2 To understand wisdom and teaching; to grasp the meaning of insightful words;
3 To learn wisdom, fairness, right decisions, and equality;
4 To give cleverness to the simple, to the young person knowledge and good judgment.
5 A wise person listens and learns more; someone who understands will find good advice.
6 To grasp a wise saying and its meaning, the words of the wise, and their riddles.
7 Respecting God is the start of understanding, but fools hate learning and guidance.
8 My child, listen to your father’s teaching and do not ignore your mother’s rules.
9 They will be like a beautiful crown on your head and a necklace around your neck.
10 My son, if sinners tempt you, do not agree.
11 If they say, “Come with us, let’s hide and wait to hurt someone innocent for no reason,”
12 Let’s consume them fully alive as the grave does; completely, like those who descend into the pit.
13 We will find valuable treasures; we will fill our homes with loot.
14 Join us and share our money.
15 My son, do not go along with them; keep your foot from following their path.
16 Their feet rush to do bad things, and they hurry to spill blood.
17 Surely, setting a net where a bird can see it is useless.
18 They set a trap for themselves; they hide and wait to take their own lives.
19 Greedy people’s ways take life from those they harm.
20 Wisdom shouts outside; she raises her voice in the streets:
21 She calls out in the busiest places, at the city gates she speaks her words, saying,
22 How long will you who are naive love being simple-minded? And how long will mockers enjoy mocking and fools hate understanding?
23 Listen to my correction: I will share my spirit with you and teach you my words.
24 I called, but you refused; I reached out my hand, but no one paid attention.
25 You have ignored all my advice and did not want my correction.
26 I will laugh when trouble comes for you; I will make fun when you are afraid.
27 When your fear arrives like ruins, and your destruction sweeps in like a storm; when distress and suffering fall upon you.
28 They will call for me, but I won’t respond; they will look for me, but won’t find me.
29 They hated knowledge and did not choose to respect God.
30 They rejected my advice and ignored all my warnings.
31 So they will eat the results of their actions and be full of their own schemes.
32 Rejecting knowledge will kill the naive, and the success of fools will ruin them.
33 Whoever listens to me will live safely and be at peace, without fear of harm.