Chapter 13

1 A smart son listens to his father’s teaching, but someone who mocks does not listen to correction.
2 A person will enjoy benefits from the good things they say, but those who break rules will experience harm.
3 Someone who controls their words protects their life, but someone who talks too much will find trouble.
4 The lazy person wants things but has nothing, while the hardworking person will prosper.
5 A good person hates lying, but an evil person is disgusting and will be shamed.
6 Goodness protects the honest person, but evil brings down the wrongdoer.
7 Some people act rich but have nothing; others act poor but have great wealth.
8 A man’s wealth is his life’s ransom; but the poor do not hear harsh words.
9 Good people shine brightly, but the light of the wicked will go out.
10 Pride leads to arguments, but wisdom is with those who take good advice.
11 Money earned unfairly will decrease, but those who work hard will gain more.
12 When you must wait for something you hope for, it makes you feel sad; but when you get what you want, it makes you very happy.
13 Anyone who ignores God’s word will be destroyed, but the one who respects the command will be rewarded.
14 The teachings of the wise are like a fountain of life, helping to avoid death’s traps.
15 Clear understanding brings approval; but the path of wrongdoers is difficult.
16 A wise person acts with understanding, but a fool shows his foolishness.
17 A bad messenger gets into trouble, but a reliable envoy brings wellness.
18 Being poor and ashamed will happen to someone who ignores teaching, but the one who listens to correction will be respected.
19 When you get what you want, it feels good inside, but fools hate to stop doing bad things.
20 Someone who spends time with wise people will become wise, but someone who is friends with fools will get into trouble.
21 Evil follows those who sin, but good will be given to those who do right.
22 A good person leaves wealth for their grandchildren, and a sinner’s riches will go to those who are right.
23 The poor person’s farm has plenty of food, but some is wasted because of bad decisions.
24 Someone who doesn’t discipline their child dislikes them, but one who loves their child corrects them early on.
25 Good people eat and are satisfied, but the wicked will be left wanting.