2 Corinthians
Chapter 10

1 I, Paul, ask you kindly because of Christ’s humility and gentleness. When with you I may seem weak, but when away I am bold with you.
2 I ask you, so that I don’t have to be too confident and firm when I’m with you, like I plan to be with some people who believe we live by human standards.
3 Even though we live in human bodies, we do not fight with human strength.
4 Our fight’s tools are not physical, but they are powerful through God to destroy strong barriers.
5 Throwing down ideas and every proud obstacle that rises against knowing God, and making every thought obey Christ.
6 Being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete.
7 Do you judge by how things look on the outside? If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should remind themselves that just as they are Christ’s, we are also Christ’s.
8 Even if I were to talk more about our power, which God has given us to help you, not to hurt you, I would not be ashamed.
9 So it doesn’t look like I’m trying to scare you with my letters.
10 People say his letters are strong and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive, and his speaking is not good.
11 Let someone think this: the way we are in our letters when not there, we will act the same when we are there.
12 We don’t dare to count ourselves as one of those, or compare ourselves to those who praise themselves. But those who measure and compare themselves by their own standards are not wise.
13 We won’t brag about things beyond our limits, but we will boast according to the limits of the work God assigned to us, which extends to you.
14 We don’t stretch ourselves beyond our limits, as if we couldn’t reach you. We have come to you too, to preach the good news about Christ.
15 We don’t brag about work that isn’t ours or what others have done. Instead, we hope that as your faith grows, we can do much more with you, as our role allows.
16 To spread the good news in places far beyond you, without bragging about work already done by others.
17 If someone wants to boast, they should boast about God.
18 It’s not the one who praises himself who is approved, but the one whom God praises.