Chapter 33

1 This is the blessing that Moses, the man of God, gave to the Israelites before he died.
2 He said, God came from Sinai, appeared from Seir to them, shone from Mount Paran, and arrived with thousands of holy ones. From his right hand, a fiery command for them went out.
3 Yes, he loves the people; all his holy ones are in your care: and they sit at your feet; everyone will receive your words.
4 Moses gave us a law, which is the inheritance for the community of Jacob.
5 He became king in Jeshurun when the leaders and tribes of Israel came together.
6 Let Reuben live and not die, and may his people be many.
7 This is Judah’s blessing: He said, “Listen, God, to Judah’s voice, and bring him to his people. May his hands be strong enough for him, and help him against his enemies.”
8 Of Levi he said, Let your objects of truth and decision stay with your holy one, whom you tested at Massah, and whom you argued with at Meribah’s waters.
9 He told his father and mother, “I haven’t seen him.” He didn’t recognize his brothers or know his children because they followed your instruction and kept your agreement.
10 They will teach Jacob your rules, and Israel your laws. They will offer incense to you, and complete burnt offerings on your altar.
11 God, bless his belongings, and accept what he does; strike down those who attack him, and those who hate him, so they don’t get up again.
12 About Benjamin, he said, “God’s loved one will live safely with Him; God will protect him always, and he will rest close to His heart.”
13 And about Joseph he said, “May his land be blessed by God with the valuable gifts of heaven, with dew, and with water from beneath the earth.”
14 For the valuable foods grown by the sun, and for the valuable things produced by the moon,
15 For the best parts of the old mountains, and for the valuable things of the eternal hills.
16 For the valuable things of the earth and its richness, and for the kindness of God who appeared in the bush: let the blessing rest on Joseph’s head, and on the crown of the head of him who was set apart from his brothers.
17 His majesty is like that of a young bull, and his power is like the horns of unicorns. With it, he will gather people from all over the world. They are the many from Ephraim and the many from Manasseh.
18 God said about Zebulun, “Be happy, Zebulun, when you go out; and Issachar, be happy in your homes.”
19 They will invite the people to the mountain; there they will give right sacrifices: for they will enjoy the riches of the seas, and the hidden treasures of the sand.
20 About Gad, he said, “Lucky is the one who makes Gad grow: he lives like a lion and rips off the arm and the top of the head.”
21 He set aside the best land for himself because he took the lead in the law. He joined the leaders and made fair decisions for the people, following God’s laws and rules with Israel.
22 About Dan, he said, “Dan is a young lion; he will jump out from Bashan.”
23 Naphtali, you are content with favor and filled with God’s blessings; take the west and the south.
24 Asher will be blessed with children, loved by his brothers, and have rich land.
25 Your shoes will be made of iron and brass; and your strength will last as long as your life.
26 No one is like the God of Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to help you, and shows his greatness in the skies.
27 The forever God is your safe place, and his arms that last always are holding you up: he will push away your enemies from in front of you, and tell you to wipe them out.
28 Israel will live safely on its own; Jacob’s descendants will have a place with fields of grain and vineyards; their sky will give them dew.
29 You are lucky, Israel: Who is like you, a people saved by God, your helper’s shield and the sword of your greatness! Your enemies will be proven liars to you; and you will walk on their high places.