Chapter 17

1 My breath is bad, my days are over, the graves wait for me.
2 Aren’t there people who mock me around? And doesn’t my eye endure their insults?
3 Lie down now, make a promise with me; who will agree and shake hands with me?
4 You have kept their heart from understanding; so you will not lift them up.
5 Whoever uses smooth talk with friends will find even their children’s eyes will fail.
6 He has made me a joke among the people; before, I was like a drum.
7 My eyes are weak from sadness, and my whole body is like a shadow.
8 Good people will be shocked at this, and the honest will stand up against the fake.
9 Good people will stay on their path, and those with pure actions will become stronger and stronger.
10 But all of you, come back now: I can’t find one wise person among you.
11 My days are gone, my plans are shattered, and so are the hopes of my heart.
12 They turn night into day: daylight ends quickly because of the dark.
13 If I wait, the grave becomes my home; I have prepared my bed in the dark.
14 I told decay, “You are my father.” To the worm, “You are my mother and my sister.”
15 Where is my hope now? Who will see my hope?
16 They will go to the gates of the grave when we all rest in the dust together.