Chapter 15

1 We who are strong should help those who are weak and not just make ourselves happy.
2 Everyone should try to please their neighbor for their neighbor’s good, to help them grow.
3 Even Christ did not please himself; instead, like it is written, the insults of those who insulted you fell on me.
4 Whatever was written long ago was meant to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement from the scriptures, we might have hope.
5 May the God who gives patience and comfort help you to agree with each other as Christ Jesus taught.
6 So you can together with one mind and voice praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
7 Welcome each other, just as Christ welcomed us to honor God.
8 I say that Jesus Christ served the Jewish people to show God’s truth and to fulfill the promises given to our ancestors.
9 So that non-Jews may praise God for his kindness, as it is written: “Because of this, I will praise you among the non-Jews and sing about your name.”
10 He says again, “Be happy, you non-Jews, together with his people.”
11 Praise God, all nations; and honor him, all peoples.
12 Esaias says again, a descendant of Jesse will come, and he will rule over the nations; the nations will put their trust in him.
13 May the God of hope give you complete joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
14 I am confident, my friends, that you are good and have all the knowledge you need to advise each other.
15 Friends, I have written to you with confidence in some parts, to remind you, because of the grace God has given me.
16 I am called to serve Jesus Christ for the non-Jewish people, sharing God’s good news so that their dedication to God is welcomed, made holy by the Holy Spirit.
17 I can proudly talk about what I have done for God through Jesus Christ.
18 I won’t talk about what Christ hasn’t done through me to bring the non-Jews to obey God with words and actions.
19 With powerful miracles and signs, by God’s Spirit, I completely shared the good news of Christ from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum.
20 Yes, I have worked hard to share the good news where Christ was not known, so I wouldn’t just add to what someone else had started.
21 But as it is written, those who did not know about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.
22 This is why I have been prevented many times from visiting you.
23 But now, having no more room here and having strongly wished for many years to visit you;
24 Whenever I travel to Spain, I will visit you because I hope to see you on my trip, and you can help me on my way there, if I can enjoy your company for a while first.
25 Now I am going to Jerusalem to help God’s people.
26 People from Macedonia and Achaia were happy to give some money to help the poor believers in Jerusalem.
27 They are truly happy to do it, and they owe it to them. Because if the non-Jews have shared in their spiritual blessings, then it is only right for them to help the Jews with material blessings.
28 So when I have finished this task and made sure they have received this contribution, I will visit you on my way to Spain.
29 I am confident that when I visit you, I will bring the full blessing of Christ’s good news.
30 I ask you, friends, for the sake of Jesus Christ and the love of the Spirit, to join me in praying to God for me.
31 I hope to be saved from the unbelievers in Judaea and that the help I bring to Jerusalem will be welcomed by God’s people.
32 I hope to come to you with joy, as God wants, and to be refreshed with you.
33 May the God of peace be with everyone. Amen.