Chapter 25

1 To you, God, I lift up my soul.
2 My God, I trust in you; don’t let me be embarrassed, don’t let my enemies win over me.
3 Yes, let no one who looks to you be embarrassed; let those who sin without reason feel shame.
4 Show me your ways, God; teach me your paths.
5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me; I wait for you all day long.
6 God, remember your tender mercy and love, for they have always been.
7 Don’t remember the wrongs I did when I was young, or my mistakes. Please, for your goodness, remember me with your mercy, God.
8 God is good and fair, so he shows sinners the right path.
9 God will guide the gentle in making fair decisions; and God will teach them his path.
10 All of God’s ways are kind and true for those who follow his agreement and his teachings.
11 For your name’s sake, God, forgive my sin; for it is very big.
12 Who is the man that respects God? God will show him the path to choose.
13 He will live in peace, and his children will inherit the land.
14 God shares His secrets with those who respect Him; He will show them His agreement.
15 I always look to God; He will free my feet from the trap.
16 Turn to me and be kind to me; I am lonely and in trouble.
17 My heart’s troubles have grown; please rescue me from my distress.
18 See my suffering and my pain; and forgive all my wrongs.
19 Think about my enemies; they are numerous; and they hate me fiercely.
20 Protect my life, and save me; do not let me be disappointed, because I trust in you.
21 Let honesty and goodness protect me; I wait for you.
22 Save Israel, God, from all his problems.